I help leaders build
strategic partnerships
that drive business growth.
As featured in:

Business leaders know that
building a network is the easiest way
to access influencers, new market opportunities and leadership insights
that fuel growth and innovation.
That’s why they contact Jennifer when they want to accelerate their business growth.
Jennifer helps you acquire clients in 3 ways:
1:1 Mentoring
Jennifer guides you in applying strategies to acquire clients more easily by building a better network.
Group Trainings
Jennifer will teach your team how to land bigger deals in a shorter amount of time through networking, referrals and collaborations.
Jennifer facilitates live networking sessions at events and conferences.
"Jennifer increased our revenue, conservatively, by at least $1 million."
Brian Klemmer, CEO, Klemmer & Associates
"THIS IS BRILLIANT STUFF. I have been in business coaching for years and never heard these strategies before."
Karen Aydt, CEO, Inner Design International
"Jennifer's connection strategy helped us earn multiple 5 figures in one week."
Kim Chernecki, CEO, Freedom Street Inc.
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Build Better Networks Session with Jennifer
Discover how Jennifer's strategic partner strategies can deliver big results in a short amount of time.
Meet with Jennifer