For Professionals, Advisors, & Business Owners who acquire clients
Live online Referral Group
6 bi-weekly Wednesdays @ 12-1:30 pm ET on Zoom
NEXT MASTERCLASS starts Wednesday, January 29, 2025
✔ Live Sessions! All of our sessions will be held live - nothing pre-recorded
✔ Replays of all sessions so you can review the master trainings
✔ Referral Partner Program design template and cheat sheets
✔ 1:1 mentoring session with Jennifer Beale
✔ Real time results - build your better network right away
✔ Learn by doing - everyone attending the program works on actively building their referral partner program
All Sessions will be recorded.
$997 CDN
Referral Club & Masterclass is a live, online experience where other referral minded professionals like you come together to:
Develop a more thoughtful approach to forming strategic alliances
Get real-time direction on how to establish long-lasting mutually beneficial referral partnerships
Connect with other smart, collaborative professionals
Get insights and input into designing and implementing a Referral Partner Program
Build long-lasting referral partnerships with influencers and strategic partners and you'll receive more, better quality referrals, and be invited to collaborate on bigger deals.
Investment includes applicable taxes HST#705617488 RT0001